
Arabella Walker is from a maternal line of Wulli Wulli, Auburn Hawkwood people. She is an emerging female contemporary Aboriginal artist. Walker's practice conveys significant topics of First Nations histories with a focus on the challenge of being an Aboriginal woman living in the Colony. Walker deals with this challenge by weaving Indigenous ways of knowing and being into knowledges of culture and protocols, connections, and traditions, through a variety of media. The body is activated to express ideas, cultural knowledge, histories, stories and cultural connections. Media, such as acrylic paints, video projections, and installations form an interdisciplinary dialogue. Walkers creative process communicates a cultural intent in ways that words can’t.

Emerging from a dance background, Walker incorporates multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary practices. Walker acheves this by using explosions of colour and energetic mark making that wash over her. Dance is used to connect traditions of ritual and ceremony as a form of contemporary expression. Analysis of research methodologies and data collection extend and strengthen Walker’s creative art practice in all its forms. Walker seeks research connected to personal history; further development of creative self; community connection; academia; and First Nations culture.

Walker has a range of experiences as a First Nation Artist. She has undertaken numerous residencies as well as solo and collaborative exhibitions. Walker’s artistic ability and experience includes dance, visual art, digital art and performance.

  • 2023    Bachelor of Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Australia

    2019    Diploma of Musical Theatre, RAW Dance

    2018    Cert III in Dance, RAW Dance

  • 2022 - present   Queensland Gallery of Modern Art

    2022 - present   Queensland Art Gallery

    2022    Queensland Ballet regional education team (touring)

    2022    Queensland Ballet regional education choreographer

  • 2023    Jerenge, Queensland College of Art and Design

    2023    Seasonal, Aboriginal Art Co, Brisbane

    2023    Reconciliation Week, Queensland Conservatorium Of Music

  • 2023    Past, Present Future, Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, Cairns

    2023    Beyond These Walls, Brisbane Street Art Festival 

    2023    Brisbane Street Art Festival

    2022    St Vincent NAIDOC Exhibition

    2022    Gallery Night, BlackDoc Arts

    2022    Undergrowth, Queensland College of Art and Design, Grey St Gallery

    2022    Brisbane Street Art Festival

    2021    St Vincent NAIDOC Exhibition

  • 2023    MURRI Country; 98.9FM, Let’s Talk the Arts, radio interview.

    2023    Aboriginal Art Co; Vault Gallery, 3-month residency

    2023    Metro Arts; Matriarchs development 2 (collaborative with dance and digital art)

    2023    Creating Futures National Education Summit; performative live art event

    2023    Dana Waranara; Critical Response Process Program, Metro Arts 

    2022    Powerhouse; sponsored by BlakDance, Matriarchs Development 1

    2022    Bleach Festival; public residency

    2022    Rising Tide Artist Camp; South Stradbroke Island

    2021    Digi Youth Arts; Instagram take over (at home project)

  • 2023    Academic Excellence; Griffith University, Queensland College of Art and Design

    2023    Finalist, First People’s Heath Unit (FPHU) Art Prize, Griffith University